Banner Ads

  • New Cropping feature when adding/updating ad images to assist with creating the perfect Ad size for the campaign.
  • Update to resolve issues with Ad ordering getting reset after editing Ad Campaigns.
  • Implemented new css classes to give more flexible styling options for the text descriptions displayed with ads.


  • Update to more accurately enforce front end admin secure group selections for fine tuning security group access.

Form Builder

  • ***New Feature*** - we have eliminated the redirecting and ‘pop-up’ blocking for our default PayPal gateway. The form submission is now a seamless transition and does not require any extra user actions to proceed.
  • New Gateway Surcharge feature allows you to charge a percentage or amount when a payment gateway other than Cheque is selected as method of payment. If enabled this handy feature allows you as the website owner to pass on some of the credit card transaction fees to the purchaser.
  • Updates to increase precision of Total field to include cent rounding when calculating taxes.
  • Visual updates to total fields to improve user experience.
  • New ability to specify date specific pricing for Product additional fields.
  • Update to restore iATS recurring payments for credit card processing.
  • Update for non-required additional fields chosen to validate as an email address to not require input upon form submission.
  • Update to correct the spelling of “Saskatchewan” in Province field list.


  • Updates to resolve numerous PHP warnings in listings displays.


  • Update to resolve display issue for Procedural Privileges dashboard icon.


  • Improved error checking to prevent blank pages when customizing news templates.


  • Update to resolve errors on newsletter confirmation screen when sending to a MediTrac directive campaign.

Shopping Cart

  • Updates to Duplicate product feature to better support complex product extensions.and special characters in product data.
  • New enhancement - Added product-based auto-complete to the product search form.
  • Added product price export and import functionality, allowing the mass update of product prices by exporting their products and updating them in a spreadsheet before re-importing them.

SiteApex User Profile

  • Update to resolve issue preventing the Postal/Zip code from displaying on Update My Profile form.

Template Manager

  • Update to CSS to improve user experience on plugin management interface.


  • Support for a new full width menu.