Banner Ads

  • Updated the rotator to include the text description when an optional link is added to an ad. This means that the whole ad area will be clickable, instead of the background image only.
  • Update to improve accuracy of cropping feature when adding/editing ads.


  • Updated the directory search to allow matching using partial keywords.

Form Builder

  • Update to support file upload fields on SiteApex Mobile.
  • Update to restore file upload fields on newer servers.
  • Update to prevent unwanted spam html injection within form responses.
  • Upgrade to Moneris credit card collection step to support autofill standards on mobile devices.
  • Update to restore displaying the form intro content in the mini form plugin.

Job Postings

  • Updated the Job Postings Module to dynamically show and hide the Location and Department sections based on their use in the Jobs.


  • Updated the manage listing interface for consistency and ease-of-use.

Media & Resource Library

  • Update to resolve directory and file naming conflicts with certain characters.

Photo Album

  • **New enhancement**: Overhauled Photo Alternate view.
    • All new design and functionality.
    • Mobile friendly. Swipeable thumbnail viewer.
    • Showcases images along side of the image name and description.
    • Indication when image is loading.
  • Updates to provide custom styling support for photos with no names.

Shopping Cart

  • Update to prevent spam abuse of the signup and update profile forms.

SiteApex Control Panel

  • New asset cleanup utility located under Control Panel > Recycle Bin.

SiteApex Core

  • **NEW FEATURE**: URL Rewriting.
    • SiteApex now provides the ability to access published pages without displaying the .php extension in the page’s URL. URLs and links with .php extension will continue to work normally.
      • Ex: “” would be “”
    • Feature can be enabled in SiteApex Settings.
    • New Canonical plugin to be used when rewriting is enabled to indicate to search engines which URL of any given page is to be indexed as the primary source.
  • Update to remove unwanted backslashes in meta description output.

SiteApex Results

  • Update to cleanup debug output from Work Performed report.

SiteApex Settings

  • New embed settings for Google Tag Manager. Embed code will be automatically applied to applicable pages upon publishing the site.