Banner Ad Rotator

  • Update to fill in Crop Image title.
  • New Cropper utility to better suit the demands of SA10.
  • Campaign selection now carries through after editing an Ad and changing the image.

cPanel Integration

  • Update to resolve issue within the cPanel Add Email Account password strength meter.

Form Builder

  • New payment gateway for PayPal Advanced payments using their REST API platform.
  • Fix Build HTML Content popup to load correctly.
  • Update to restore a few email subject fields.

Indexed Articles

  • Various visual improvements

Job Postings

  • Various visual improvements

Lead Capture

  • Various visual improvements

Listings Settings

  • Various visual improvements


  • Various visual improvements

Page Layouts

  • Various visual improvements
  • Update to make Layouts area the default when clicking on admin nav.

People Directory

  • Minor visual improvements


  • Various visual improvements


  • Various visual improvements
  • Summary report updates to remove browser prompt regarding Flash.

Shopping Cart

  • Applied SiteApex 10 styling to the shopping cart admin.
  • Major enhancements to the Orders area:
    • Made order table 100% wide
    • Doubled number of orders displayed per page.
    • Combined Billing Name and Shipping Name into one column.
    • Added order Total column
    • Added Shipping Location column displaying Shipping City, State/Province and country.
    • View order now opens in a convenient slide out.
    • Mark As status links moved to View order slide out.
    • Improved value and readability of the View order display by combining name fields and putting billing/shipping info side by side.
    • Various visual improvements
  • New enhancements to the Product area:
    • New Categories and Products display interface to provide expand/contract capabilities and new styling. This update drastically improves efficiency and usability when working with products.
    • New ability to expand/jump to the product you were last working on after returning to the main list by using the back button or saving changes.
    • Full Description popup updated to be the full height required.

SiteApex Menu/Navigation

  • Updated navigation menu sections to not rely on session data (stabilizes active section when swapping areas home vs control panel).

SiteApex Security

  • Various visual and user experience improvements to Security area.
  • Menu now defaults to users list when clicking on Security
  • Overhauled list users columns to be easier to read.
  • List Users - Additional group labels are hidden behind a "Show More" feature.
  • Implemented SiteMap style option icons to reduce space used by option links.
  • Added sorting on ID
  • New intuitive sorting in place that forces blank values to be at the end.
  • Update to bubble the current logged in user record to the top of user lists.
  • Update to visually indicate the current logged in user.
  • Updates to prevent deletion of the current logged in user.
  • Update to force the Updated date display on one line (not wrap).
  • Put less frequently used user fields within a show/hide feature on add/edit user.
  • Visual improvements to add/edit user.
  • Minor visual improvements to group management
  • Visual improvements to Import/Export users, Security Options and Update My Profile Options.
  • Updates to prevent users from deleting the current logged in user as well as the Administrators group.

SiteApex Control Panel

  • Upgrade to pagination on Site Search Results to better handle large number of pages of search logs.

SiteApex Core

  • Additional logic to publish pages for External URL/Non-Clickable when page type is not Normal Page.

Version Sync

  • Various visual improvements