• Blog
    • Improved the default template by moving category title to the same row as the blog name.
    • Resolved display of last category name when not viewing any categories.
  • Form Builder
    • New feature to automatically apply status to new responses.
    • New feature to automatically update responses from other forms with a matching email address.
    • System logging of automated changes to existing responses in the response detail history.
    • Update to resolve javascript errors on add/edit form step 1.
  • News Letter
    • Resolved click-through tracking of https pages secured by SSL.
  • Search Engine Optimization
    • New link to helpful SEO guidelines on support site (located above page content in page edit mode).
    • Editor Heading dropdown now dynamically shows heading styles specified in the editor custom style sheet to encourage using heading tags over styled divs.
    • MAJOR ENHANCEMENT to automatically produce dynamic page titles providing search engines with highly descriptive page titles unique to the content displaying on the page from all our modules.
      • Separator field in new settings area (only applies to page titles)
      • Site Name field in new settings area (only currently applies to page titles)
    • New Settings area in control panel (formerly called "Meta Tags”).